ILTE designgfx Europe
Intercomprehension in Language Teacher Education

The report is available in 3 versions.

1.0 Introduction
2.0 The ILTE project - ideas, definition, aim
3.0 ILTE and the Norwegian partner's national context
4.0 Classroom experiments
4.1 Young learners in L-97
4.2 The active and autonomous learner
4.3 Six- and seven-year-olds
4.4 Eight-year-olds
4.5 Young learners and intercomprehension
4.6 Twelve-year-olds
4.7 Twelve-year-olds and intercomprehension
4.8 Fifteen-year-olds
4.9 Fifteen-year-olds and intercomprehension
5.0 Intercomprehension, foreign language teaching and foreign language learning
5.1 Intercomprehension and foreign language teaching
5.2 Intercomprehension and foreign language learning
6.0 The modules
7.0 Activities - some examples
8.0 Conclusion
9.0 References
10.0 Further reading



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