10.0 Further reading
Alderson, J., Clapham, C. and Steel D. (1997): "Metalinguistic
knowledge proficiency, language aptitude and language proficiency",
Language Teaching Research 1,2:
Anderson, J. (1991): "The potential of Language Awareness
as a focus for cross curricular work in a secondary school",
in C. James and P.Garrett (eds.) Language Awareness in
the Classroom, London: Longman.
Andrews, L. (1993): Language Exploration and Awareness,
London: Longman
Andrews, S. (1997): "Metalinguistic awareness and teacher
explanation", Language Awareness 6, 2&3:
Aplin, R. (1997): Knowledge about Language and Language
Awareness: An Annotated Bibliography, School of
Education, Leicester University, UK
Berry, R. (1997): "Teachers' awareness of learners' knowledge",
Language Awareness 6, 2&3: 136-146
Borg, S. (1994): "Language Awareness as methodology: implications
for teachers and teacher training", Language Awareness
3, 2: 61-72
Buttjes, D. (1991): "Culture in German foreign language teaching:
making use of an ambiguous past", in Byram, M. and Buttjes,
D. (eds.) Mediating Languages and Cultures, Clevedon:
Multilingual Matters
Byram, M. (1989): Cultural Studies in Foreign Language
Education, Clevedon: Multilingual Matters
Byram, M., Nichols, A. and Stevens, D. (2001): Developing
Intercultural Competence in Practice, Clevedon: Multilingual
Cameron, L. (1993): "Degrees of knowing", Language Awareness
DES (Department of Education and Science) (1975): A Language
for Life: The Bullock Report, London: HMSO
- (1988): The Kingman Report, London: HMSO
- (1989): The Cox Report, London: HMSO
- (1991): The Harris Report, London: HMSO
Donmall, B.G. (ed.) (1985): Language Awareness,
London: CILT
Ellis, N. (ed.) (1994): Implicit and Explicit Learning
of Languages, London: Academic Press
Faber, P. (1998): "Translation competence and language awareness",
Language Awareness 7,1: 9-21
Fairclough, N. (ed.) (1992): Critical Language Awareness,
London: Longman
Gnutzmann, C. (1997): "Language Awareness: progress in language
learning and language education, or reformulation of old ideas?",
Language Awareness 6, 2&3: 65-74
Halliday, M.A.K. (1971): in P. Doughty, J. Pearce and G.
Thornton Language in Use, London: Edward Arnold
Hawkins, E. (1981): Modern Languages in the Curriculum,
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
- (1984): Awareness of Language: An Introduction,
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
James, C. (1996): "A cross linguistic approach to language
awareness", Language Awareness
5, 3&4: 138-148
- and Garrett, P. (eds.) (1991): Language Awareness
in the Classroom, London: Longman
Leets, L. and Giles, H. (1993): "Does language awareness
foster social tolerance?", Language Awareness 2,3:
Little, D. (1997): "Language awareness and the autonomous
language learner", Language Awareness 6, 2&3: 93-104
Preston, D. (1996): "Whaddayaknow?: the modes of folklinguistic
awareness", Language Awareness 5,1:40-74
Rampton, B. (1995): Crossing: Language and Ethnicity among
Adolescents, London: Longman
Schön, D. (1983): The Reflective Practitioner: How
Professionals Think in Action, Aldershot, UK: Ashgate
Tomalin, B. and Stempelski, S. (1993): Cultural Awareness,
Oxford: Oxford University Press
van Lier, L. (1995): Introducing Language Awareness,
Harmondsworth: Penguin.
Wright, T. and Bolitho, R. (1993): "Language Awareness: a
missing link in language teacher education?", English
Language Teaching Journal 47,4: 292-304
Zyngier, S. (1994): "Introducing Literary Awareness", Language
Awareness 3,2: 95-108
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